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EFT- Emotional Freedom Technique, is a very useful therapy for tapping into your subconscious; I am an advanced practitioner in this modality.  It is in the subconscious that our deepest belief systems are stored, and they drive nearly all of our behaviour and issues. By listening to you and exploring your issues, I am able to understand what is at their root and present this guidance and understanding to you.

Once you have this understanding regarding an issue, this kick starts the natural process of you healing your subconscious.  This is because conscious awareness of the cause of an issue triggers automatic healing just as your body knows to heal a cut on your skin. I guide you in reinforcing and speeding up this process with conscious reprogramming, and it is essential that you do this inner work alongside practical changes in your thinking and habits.

Please forgive me if I appear as though I am exaggerating, but it is true to say that even when presented by extreme dark/violent sexual fetishes or very strange issues, I am able to give you simple and clear explanations of how these things come about and how they can be resolved. 

EFT can be carried out either in person, or through skype, WhatsApp video call or zoom. Please contact me for more details.

Shadow Show


I am skilled in sexual therapy and performance, and carry out this service online primarily on one of the mainstream sex workers platforms  This therapy is very good at breaking down the barriers of shame and unfulfillment that hold clients back from beginning their healing, You cannot begin looking at an issue and healing if your shame or lack of fulfilment around it is more than you can hold; so for this reason therapeutic sexual performance is a very useful healing tool. 

I believe that working on the AdultWork platform is an extremely beneficial experience for any sex therapist; it has opened up a new window to me, one in which I have gained a much deeper understanding of my own sexuality and that of men. 

This sexual media or channel offers a very unique opportunity, it provides possibly an unrivalled window of truth onto human sexuality; one that is highly revealing, raw, and honest.  It connected me into the full unrestricted truth of what men really desire, and how to help them with their most troubling sexual and relationship issues.  It also has given me greater confidence in my own sexuality and ability to help people with theirs. My belief that first-hand experience is always the best training, was greatly reaffirmed by this ongoing experience; I became strongly connected with, and intimately close to all the deepest and darkest desires of human sexuality; valuable experience for any therapist that wishes to work in this area. I am collecting data on human sexual behaviour from this work, please see the main menu for a summary of my results.

I only offer this service through skype whatsapp or zoom. Please contact me for more details.

Image by Yann Dos Santos


Reiki is an ancient healing modality, that works with the energies in your body, and is deeply calming and relaxing. I am a Reiki Master Teacher, and work with Reiki energy everyday, in order to help me connect with my inner wisdom.

Channelling is a process where I go into meditation, and allow energies to speak through me.  These energies could be people who have passed over, Goddesses such as Athena, or Mother Mary. I channel the energy that is needed for the person at that time, they will speak with you guiding you to resolve your issues. Sometimes I channel sound vibrations as this also can heal the body, mind and emotions; the sound frequencies show the body what is needed for it to fix itself.

I can provide Reiki and Channelling in person, or through Skype, WhatsApp video call or Zoom. I can also send Reiki absently, and channel a message for the person, all I need is a name and a photo of the person to do this. Please contact me for more details.

Oil Lamp Offering



Hours:   1       £150

             1.5     £216

              2       £276

              3       £378

   4  hrs plus £125 per hour

Per min £3 (minimum of 10 mins only)

Therapy sessions are paid for in advance.  If you pay for more than this in advance prices per hour become less, as above.  You can book sessions however you wish, for example 4 hours paid for in advance could be booked as two, 2 hour sessions, or four 1 hour sessions, (as long as the time period is 3 months or less to provide continuity and commitment to your own healing). If you have not booked before the end of 3 months from your last session, and have not communicated with me before hand you will loose anytime that you have.

Payment can be made through bank transfer or PayPal, please note if you choose PayPal, there will be an extra charge, to cover the cost of their charges to me.

Cancellation: for all pre-booked sessions a minimum of 24 hours is required to cancel, postpone or change a booking, any notice less than that you unfortunately loose the booking or time. If there are any unforeseen circumstances within 24 hours, we can discuss the situation and I may be able to agree a reduced cancelation fee.

If you would like to find out more, and have a initial consultation with mini therapy session, I charge these at my per min rate of  £3. You can book a minimum of 10 minutes. However, I suggest booking at least 20 minutes for this; where we can discuss your issues and I will offer tips. You can then decide if you want to work further with me.

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