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Research Data

My Research

Motivated by my partner Marcus and my self's, science background we began collecting anonymous data on our clients.  Our aim was simply to record what clients were sexually interested in, by this we mean what they were sexually aroused by, desired, requested, or fantasised about.  We divided data into two groups; those requesting sexual therapy, and those requesting sexual performance, clients who asked for both, were logged in both categories. With each new client, we simply logged their areas of interest, if new interests presented that we had not come across before, we would create a new category for this interest.  Individual categories were grouped into main areas such as incest, paedophilia, and fetish etc. After compiling over 280 entries a surprising picture emerged, a somewhat similar experience to the first sexual survey famously carried out by Kinsey in 1948.

Interesting results were that 39.1% of clients wanting therapy had the main taboo fantasies of incest and/or paedophilia.  The incest category was the largest main category, and sexual desire for their mothers was the biggest individual category of all in both therapy and performance, followed by step mothers, mothers in-law, sisters, and daughters.  Of this 39.1%,  9.4% reported wanting to have sex with minors who were not related to them.  We included step mothers, and mother in-laws in the incest category although technically this is not incest, as we believe as therapists that this is the same issue.  Many clients reported having sexual desire, quite often strongly, in early childhood onwards, and in one case this was from 2 years of age.  Dark sexual fantasy was common, including extremes such as sex with their dead mother, and abduction and/or rape of mother, children, and even babies.  Clients appeared to be a broad range of ethnic and social backgrounds, and included doctors, other professionals, and business owners.  Anecdotal evidence from others on the platform, and other platforms, was that they were having a similar experience to us.  Our main results regarding taboo sexual activity are as follows:

Taboo sexual interests of men on

Sexual interest                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Performance        Therapy

Adult family members, eg mother, step mother, daughter, sister, etc (incest)                                                                                                                                                                                            20.6%                   26.6%

Underage family members, 15 years or less (incest paedophilia)                                                                                                                                                                                                                4.4%                     3.1%

Underage non family members (paedophilia)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               4.1%                     9.4%

Client wanted sexual activity when underage, 2-15 years old                                                                                                                                                                                                                          4.6%                     8.9%

How the data compares to the general population around the world is difficult to say, but a possible hypothesis is that the people on are not different in their desires, only in their willingness to explore them with others.  If this hypothesis is correct it would suggest that 39.1% of the worlds male population have incest and paedophile desires.

The experience we have on this platform, along with our other experience and research, suggests that general understanding of human sexuality, does not seem to correspond to the reality of peoples desires and behaviours.  Sexual behaviour does not seem to conform to the social boundaries and taboos we have, and sexual desire outside of these boundaries seems a part of everyone's sexuality, quite often to an extreme.  Our understanding and beliefs about what constitutes normal sexual behaviour seems naive and idealistic when set against this experience; and it suggests a paradigm shift is needed in our sexual understanding and research

The need for sexual healing, especially of paedophiles, was highlighted greatly by this research and experience.  Encouraged by success in helping people on the AdultWork platform, we decided at the beginning of 2021 to launch our curepaedophilia website, to promote further therapy and research into this area. If you are interested in finding out more please visit   or contact me.

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