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  • rosie21morrell

The Power of Embracing Your Age

Welcome, I hope you are all keeping ok. It has been while since my last blog.

In August 2022 I turned 39. I have made a YouTube video called embracing the power of your age, if you are interested you can check it out on my channel:

Rosie Morrell. I talk about how I feel a lot more accepting and welcoming of getting older. I am actually looking forward to turning 40 next year.

I feel as a society we should really encourage embracing our age as we get older, instead of feeling it’s something we may have to hide or be ashamed of.

As I have got in to my later 30’s sexually I feel a lot more explorative and open, and although I am in a heterosexual relationship, I am feeling more pan-sexual where I feel more attracted to energy than who someone physically is.

I said to my partner Marcus that if him and I split up I could see myself being with anyone from an 18 yr. old young man to a 90-year-old woman. As I literally feel it is more about the connection you have not so much the physical appearance and as I have gotten older the superficial qualities, I used to look for in partners seem less important.

So, my message is as always embrace all aspects of yourself, and try to be proud of every aspect, and if it is not something you feel you can be proud of maybe consider why that is; and think about ways in which you could resolve that for yourself. As if there are parts of yourself you do not feel fully comfortable with, this will have a subtle but detrimental effect on other aspects of your life.

If you are interested in what I do you can contact me through email.

Lots of Love,

Rosie xxx

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