Hi guys, it's been a few weeks since my first blog, I've been processing a lot personally and busy with my work which I absolutely love.
Due to the nature of my life where I do a lot of inner work with my partner Marcus, which is like a training program for myself and him, so we fully understand all types of behaviour sexual and otherwise within ourselves.
It means that when I'm processing different issues that can be very difficult and shameful, I can feel very tired. These are issues that I believe everyone struggles with to a lesser or greater extent. But the good thing is when I process those issues within myself, I'm very comfortable to deal with any issues that come up that are "dark, twisted, strange or taboo" within my clients. I haven't heard one thing yet that has phased me, and I have heard a lot!!
This is why I haven't been blogging for a few weeks.
So my most recent YouTube is now available it's called: Integrity, Truth, Transparency and Humility. I talk about some incidents that have happened to me recently, where I was in a shop and I turned down a free 5p bag, as I felt I was encouraging steeling.
I was also was advised my a train ticket sales person, not to buy a ticket as there would be no one at the other end.
These incidents seem quite trival, but I believe they affect your whole being and your energy.
Have a watch if you're interested in my You Tube channel it's called Rosie Morrell. Here is the link: https://youtu.be/y_foAibF_lg
So, I always say to my clients and all people, that honesty is key especially in relationships, but really it's good to practice it in all areas of your life and even with the more "trivial" things it is still important, as I believe all those small things can effect you and even effect your enjoyment in the bedroom! So remember that please and I believe the more you practice honesty the more of a fulfilling life you'll have all round!! XXX
Lots of love,
Rosie xxxx