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  • rosie21morrell

Finding Purpose in Shame or Suffering means you can get through ANYTHING!!!

Hey Guys,

Hope you're all doing ok?

So since my last blog I've been processing a lot.

My latest You Tube video is available, where I talk about some realisations I have around shame, suffering and purpose.

I actually believe we create EVERYTHING in our reality, even the suffering, pain and shame! I actually believe it all has purpose and the more "difficult" times show us even more gifts, lesson's or blessings about our life and purpose, if we surrender to the suffering and allow it to show us it's purpose.

I know this is easier said than done, but if you can step into the suffering or shame through a meditation and hold the pain of it, through visualisation, or feeling the purpose of it may present itself to you! Once you have the knowledge of the purpose of it in your consciousness, I believe you can get through it!

Of course there are often different layers of this, which may occur at different times after you have processed one layer.

My latest you tube is available: Finding Purpose in Shame or Suffering means you can get through ANYTHING!!! If you're interested please check it out on my you tube channel Rosie Morrell.

I hope you're all keeping ok?

Remember try to be proud of

all aspects of your life and that will always serve you.

Lots of love


Rosie xxxx

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