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  • rosie21morrell

Expressing Your Darkness or Shame Liberates You.

Hi guys, my latest you tube video is available on my channel Rosie Morrell. It's called:

"Expressing Your Darkness or Shame Liberates You."

As always I encourage honesty and I speak about things I feel ashamed of too, as I believe we all have shame even if it's not over a "dark sexual taboo". My shame is over where I'm at in my life right now, I explain it in the YouTube video.

If you have any shame over dark sexual taboo fantasies, please do not separate yourself from them, that is what leads to more shame and greater pain in the long run. Instead try to remember that we all have "darkness" inside of us, I honestly do not believe anyone is completely "pure", as it would be unbalanced and I believe scientifically impossible. Try to give yourself boundaries and time to "indulge" in the fantasy, in a safe place. This way, it will mean you are doing it in a more conscious place, which should in turn decrease the feelings of guilt and shame that you have with the fantasy. This will help you feel more balanced about it and possibly less impulsive, if you find yourself being impulsive or addictive with it.

Also, try to express the shame, or the dark fantasy you have in a safe place too, either a personal diary or record yourself talking about it, if you feel too ashamed to actually tell anyone, as this will also begin breaking down the shame, which will help you process it.

This is what I tried to do with my YouTube video, and it really does help.

Feel free to check out my YouTube channel Rosie Morrell.

Also my website


I hope you're all keeping ok.

Lots of love Always,

Rosie xxxx

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