Hi guys,
Hope you have all been well?
So yet again I have been processing and have had more realisations, since my last blog.
I have really been connecting with the power of aligning with the full responsibility of all your choices.
As I have said before, I believe we create our whole reality and we choose at a spiritual level every aspect of our lives. Even the things we consciously feel we don't choose.
Recently I really connect and resonated with this truth for myself about all of choices in my reality.
I had this realisation through the covid jab.
I explain it more deeply in my latest You Tube video, which is available now, and is called: "Connecting with the responsibility of your choices".
If you're interested please check it out on you tube, my channel is called Rosie Morrell.
I really hope you're all keeping ok, remember to always try and connect with the power of your choice in each moment.
Lots of love
Rosie xxxxx
#choice #proud #proudtobebritish #british #britain #covid #connectingwithresposiblity #responsiblity #rosiemorrell #rosiemorrellsextherapist