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  • rosie21morrell

Connecting to the Rawness and Truth Through Sex

The truth is we all come from the raw animalist energy, of sex that is disgusting and disturbing yet beautiful passionate and deeply connecting. It is Life creating and is essential to our evolution as humans.

I struggle with disorganisation and feeling insecure not believing in myself and feeling utterly chaotic with my thoughts and emotions at times.

With my work I absolutely love it as I feel free, and because I am allowing myself to be exposed through the webcam and expressive; I feel unjudged as part of my exposure means someone is also exposing themselves and being vulnerable and raw just like me.

I find that if I do a sexual webcam performance where I sexually open myself with someone masturbating to me. It really helps ground my energy I feel able to focus and begin to start a plan for my day.

As I am writing this I am realising with all my understanding of the body, psychology and connection with chakras; and how each chakra connects with different stages in your life they go up in 7 years at a time. So, for example the base chakra which is at the bottom of the spine but also will links with your vagina and sexual organs will be linking with 0-7 years, your genitalia will also link with your sacral chakra which is the second chakra. All of the blocked or misunderstood energy that needs to be realised and understood, will limit your productivity, organisation and creativity. For me organisation goes back to being sent to school and child care at a young age and feeling too young to cope without my parents for long periods of time during the day when they work.

When I work on webcam and feel this release of being free to express my rawness disinhibition, vulnerability and creativity, alongside there being a voyeur who is enjoying the performance and also being vulnerable and expressive, in the way that is raw and  disinhibited, I feel as though I am connecting with that inner child who wanted to be raw, free, disinhibited but deeply accepted. Your genital is such a sacred part of your body, as it creates life; and could be seen as the most powerful part of your body because of this.  When you are being accepted in the most rawest and exposing of ways. It feels deeply grounding and empowering giving you a feeling of deep acceptance of yourself ultimately.

This is the first blog/book entry since I was in the election the exposure with my bikini, the exposure in the press, feeling totally raw and vulnerable. Has given me a greater sense of connection with myself and ultimate belief in myself.

No matter what the nay Sayers do or say go for it anyway. You are a powerful and meant to be heard feel able and free to express yourself connect with the power of that; and you will succussed to greatness. However, on the path of greatness you must allow yourself to fail and feel week vulnerable and like a no-body as it is in those true places of surrender you will connect with your inner truth and abundant nature in beauty.

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